this weeks EPISODE

Episode 145 features an inspiring yarn with Lorraine Pryor, a Whadjuk Noongar Woman with connections to Ballardong and Gnaala Karla Booja. A mother and grandmother, she is a passionate advocate and an important voice for local Aboriginal women, particularly those marginalised by society.

This episode sheds light on the systemic barriers faced by Aboriginal women, including high incarceration rates and the struggle for post-release support. We explore the transformative work of grassroots initiatives like Lorraine’s businessVoice of Hope Aboriginal Corporation and Karna Communities, which are making strides in providing holistic and culturally attuned support.



SharINg cultural knowledge & bringING people together to create change for Australia.

80% personal 20% business. Who you are is much more important than what you do when building a relationship.

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SharINg cultural knowledge & bringING people together to create change for Australia.

80% personal 20% business. Who you are is much more important than what you do when building a relationship.

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